Valuation & Strategic Assessment

Hope Capital Advisors provides Certified Valuations as well as Full Strategic Assessment. The reports can be used for tax or strategic purposes. Our reports are accepted by private companies, banks, and equity financiers, and other investors.

Group 32


Our in-depth business valuation reports comply with IRS Revenue Ruling 59-60 and meet the standards set forth by the National Association of Certified Valuation Analysts. Hope Capital Advisors understands that each business valuation is unique and will work to provide you with a valuation that caters to your specific purpose, audience, and time constraints.

Fair Market Valuations
Fair Value Valuations
Tax Valuations
Corporate Valuation
Calculation of Value Valuations
ESOP Valuations

Strategic Assessment Valuation

Our Strategic Assessment Valuation is an in-depth analysis looking at the intrinsic value of your business it a three step process to help business owners do the following

1. Identify Business Value
2. Enhance Business Value
3. Sell Business for Higher Value

A Strategic Valuation can be needed throughout the business life cycle. It can be used for the following situations:

• Purchasing a Business
• Understanding the Value Opportunity of the Business
• Selling the Business
• Assisting a Due Diligence Process
• Transitioning Controls of the Business

This 80 page report takes a business through all of the questions they can expect to answer in full due diligence process then uses the answers to develop a five year projected Discounted Cash Flow Analysis and Weighted Average Cost of Capital Analysis. As well as a roadmap to increasing value. This report is a live report that can be updated at any time for a low cost.

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